Welcome to Vampires of Interest

do you enjoy trash fires? how about non sequiturs? I like vampires and Person of Interest

Looking for a website full of vampires and other weird shit? Slam down your performative V8 and take a seat because this site has got all of that and more.

Here, I'll be ranking vampires based on my personal preferences, writing an ungodly amount of reviews/essays about things no one cares about and posting various creative inanery for your diversion and/or revulsion.

Check the link in the sidebar for more confusion

- Why This Combination of Things? -

listen, once you've plowed through a 6 course meal of random dumpster items, the distinguishment between trash and treasure grows less apparent. Philosophical epiphany or tasty plastic shavings going to my head, I'm here now with a combo of both and so are you. Check out the various topics in the navigation bar above, or wait until I sort this website better and maybe there will be interesting stuff in the sidebars, too.

bleep bloop the site is under construction make way for that one guy with a hard hat carrying one plank on his shoulder, I think his name is Jim?